RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • 5 Attributes that put your job application at the top of the pile
    After years of experience, our recruitment team have written down a list of the top attributes that will put your job application ahead of the rest. Since there is no silver bullet when it comes to landing a job, we provide as many helpful blogs and resources to graduates, like you, to help improve your job search journey.  These 5 attributes are sought-after by employers looking to hire...
  • How to write a good motivational letter
    With the high competition graduate job-seekers face in South Africa it is important to have a well written CV and motivational cover letter that clearly states why you are the best person for the role. You want to make it as easy as possible for the recruiter or employer to see that your skills and any relevant work experience will match the job requirements. A rushed cover letter can be a reason...
  • Do we really still need vaccine mandates?
    There is much controversy and confusion about how Covid-19 should be managed in the workplace. Are vaccination mandates still appropriate? Also, do employees still have to be screened, wear masks, sanitise and keep a distance? KEY POINTS According to medical evidence Covid-19 used to be very deadly, but this is no longer the case Mortality rates in South Africa increased significantly...
  • How work readiness programmes fast-track graduate employees
    A challenge that many employers face when hiring younger, graduate staff is that there can be a lack of professionalism, communication and soft skills training in younger, more “green” employees. Often it’s simply due to being new to the workplace or inexperienced. One of the best ways to provide a graduate employee with the necessary foundation for long-term career success...
  • Graduate jobs: how to become a top candidate
    As a student or graduate from school or university, work readiness is a hot topic worth investigating. However, there are other ways that you can start to add more to your CV in preparation for the working world. These will put you a cut above the rest when employers are looking for the right employee to take on board. ...