RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • Dagga in the workplace
    The possession and use of dagga for private purposes may no longer be a criminal offence, but to what extent may employers control employees’ habits in the workplace? And may an employer adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach? KEY POINTS In 2018, the Constitutional Court (CC) decriminalised the cultivation, possession and use of dagga for private purposes. The CC...
  • What attire is best to wear to an interview
    Having to go for a job interview can be scary, but knowing what attire to wear to an interview will make you feel confident even before the interview starts. It is true that appearances do not affect one's ability to do a job, but presenting yourself in a professional manner will help you get a job. And let’s face it, in this competitive job market, we need all the help we can get....
  • “All graduate CVs look alike”, “Hiring graduates is like taking a shot in the dark” - this is some of the feedback associated with graduate recruiting. With an oversupply of graduates looking for work it is difficult to discern which is the right graduate to hire based on education alone. Here are a couple of other things to look at when deciding which candidate is best...
  • What should my first CV include
    A graduate CV, where you have little to no previous job experience, will look different from a CV of a person with a couple of years of work experience. So, if you do not have any job experience to put on your CV, what do you do?  With little job experience to put on a CV, you need to add different information about yourself to set yourself apart from the rest of the graduates and job-...
  • Survival Guide To Your First Day Of Work
    You have successfully been through the tedious process of getting your CV ready, sending out job applications and going for interviews, and now you have signed the employment contract. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to take a breath after all that effort. It is very stressful to put yourself out there. There is one last stressful hurdle to get over before you can settle into your new job -...