RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • What attire is best to wear to an interview
    Having to go for a job interview can be scary, but knowing what attire to wear to an interview will make you feel confident even before the interview starts. It is true that appearances do not affect one's ability to do a job, but presenting yourself in a professional manner will help you get a job. And let’s face it, in this competitive job market, we need all the help we can get....
  • What should my first CV include
    A graduate CV, where you have little to no previous job experience, will look different from a CV of a person with a couple of years of work experience. So, if you do not have any job experience to put on your CV, what do you do?  With little job experience to put on a CV, you need to add different information about yourself to set yourself apart from the rest of the graduates and job-...
  • Survival Guide To Your First Day Of Work
    You have successfully been through the tedious process of getting your CV ready, sending out job applications and going for interviews, and now you have signed the employment contract. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to take a breath after all that effort. It is very stressful to put yourself out there. There is one last stressful hurdle to get over before you can settle into your new job -...
  • Insights and tips to leading Gen Z employees
    Gen Z employees are the current generation and graduates entering the workplace. As future leaders in business, they require a unique managing approach. Having said this, more than ever before, Gen Z employees need mentorship and access to leaders and managers who will coach them. They will, ask questions, many questions, but also provide a different perspective when needed. It is vital to create...
  • So you've graduate. Now what?
    Graduation is a big achievement. Congratulations on achieving this monumentous milestone. It marks the end of an important chapter in your life when you take the skills and knowledge you've acquired to go out into the world and pursue your dreams.  But what comes after graduation? What do you do next? Life after graduation can be daunting, uncertain, and full of unknowns. It’s...