RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • connects job-hunting graduates and employers
    Phillipa Geard’s RecruitAGraduate is a brand-new recruitment platform that aims to connect job-hunting recent graduates (five years) with employers on the lookout. Geard is the creator of, a recruitment platform for those seeking or offering part-time/flexible employment. charges a...
  • Graduate recruitment platform a boon for young talent
    South African businesses have a bright new platform to help them recruit skilled graduates, interns and apprentices and, in the process, invest in developing South Africa’s bright young talent.   The Economist’s Pocket World in Figures claims that South Africa has the highest rate of unemployment among young people in the world. The percentage of youth between the ages of...
  • Graduate recruitment platform invests in the young talent
    South African businesses have a new platform to recruit skilled graduates, interns and apprentices and in the process invest in developing South Africa’s bright young talent. is a new online recruitment platform from the award-winning founder and creator of The new platform aims to pair young...
  • Job Creator Of The Year® Award
    We are very proud of our CEO, Phillipa Geard, who won the category award, Job Creator of the Year®, of the prestige Entrepreneur of the Year® award.  The Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS is an annual competition that recognises and honours successful South African entrepreneurs in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs)...
  • 2017 National Woman in Business Champion
    The sought-after 2017 National Woman in Business Champion is Phillipa Geard from online recruitment platform RecruitMyMom. This innovative business assists skilled Moms who are looking for meaningful, part-time and flexible employment opportunities. RecruitMyMom...