RecruitAGraduate Blog

  • Graduate recruitment platform invests in the young talent
    South African businesses have a new platform to recruit skilled graduates, interns and apprentices and in the process invest in developing South Africa’s bright young talent. is a new online recruitment platform from the award-winning founder and creator of The new platform aims to pair young...
  • Job Creator Of The Year® Award
    We are very proud of our CEO, Phillipa Geard, who won the category award, Job Creator of the Year®, of the prestige Entrepreneur of the Year® award.  The Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS is an annual competition that recognises and honours successful South African entrepreneurs in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs)...
  • 2017 National Woman in Business Champion
    The sought-after 2017 National Woman in Business Champion is Phillipa Geard from online recruitment platform RecruitMyMom. This innovative business assists skilled Moms who are looking for meaningful, part-time and flexible employment opportunities. RecruitMyMom...