Blog for Employers

  • 10 Game-Changing Tips to Recruit Top-Notch Grads!
    Graduates are by nature not the easiest of people with whom to engage, never mind to interview for a job. Often called Millennials when in fact they aren’t, these youngsters might not be the best at verbal or written articulation, but technologically, they can outsmart most generations before them.  So how do you go about finding the best of the bunch when the job advertised is...
  • Best Interview formats to engage with Graduates
    Hiring GenZ and other graduates takes skill and effort. Attracting top graduate talent begins with a good job specification, but knowing the best interview methods and formats to get the most out of graduate candidates is helpful. Although today the preferred interview method is video interviewing, it is only sometimes the best for some graduate hires. There are instances where face-to-face or...
  • Dagga in the workplace
    The possession and use of dagga for private purposes may no longer be a criminal offence, but to what extent may employers control employees’ habits in the workplace? And may an employer adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach? KEY POINTS In 2018, the Constitutional Court (CC) decriminalised the cultivation, possession and use of dagga for private purposes. The CC...
  • “All graduate CVs look alike”, “Hiring graduates is like taking a shot in the dark” - this is some of the feedback associated with graduate recruiting. With an oversupply of graduates looking for work it is difficult to discern which is the right graduate to hire based on education alone. Here are a couple of other things to look at when deciding which candidate is best...
  • Insights and tips to leading Gen Z employees
    Gen Z employees are the current generation and graduates entering the workplace. As future leaders in business, they require a unique managing approach. Having said this, more than ever before, Gen Z employees need mentorship and access to leaders and managers who will coach them. They will, ask questions, many questions, but also provide a different perspective when needed. It is vital to create...