Blog for Employers

  • What Should You Pay a Graduate?
    Hiring graduates and interns can provide significant advantages to your company, while also shaping the next generation of leaders and skilled professionals. A critical aspect of this process is determining a fair salary or stipend, which not only helps in attracting top talent but also fosters a productive and mutually beneficial relationship.   Why Fair Compensation Matters...
  • Empower First-time Employees: Implement a Mini Workplace Readiness Programme
    In today's competitive skills market, small to medium business leaders must empower their new hires with essential skills to ensure success from day one. A mini workplace readiness programme will bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application, focusing on critical soft skills and other vital competencies.  Workplace readiness combines skills, knowledge, and...
  • Top 5 reasons to hire a graduate
    With the skill set and passion, graduates have, they are the best hires fast-growing companies can make. This article explains 5 top reasons you should hire a graduate.  Every company should have a graduate programme in their business to hire graduates. If not, then now is the time to start hiring them. Graduate programmes bring fresh talent into your organisation. Many companies...
  • Are you hiring a Business Graduate? Here's what to look for
    Business graduates and commerce qualifications are not all equal. Knowing what business graduates offer to match your organisation's requirements can be a minefield. This article aims to guide you through the various skills business graduates provide. Additionally, we explore alternative degrees and diplomas that will align with your search for graduate talent.    The Breadth...
  • Interview Questions for Candidates with No Job Experience
    Recruiting fresh graduates or candidates with limited job experience requires a nuanced approach as the normal common interview questions often relate to work experience that they have not gained yet. For example: What have been your greatest achievements thus far? Give me an example of when...